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Using Apache Commons Lang with generics

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Ahoy there matey! Welcome aboard to another adventure with Apache Commons Lang. Today, we’ll be setting sail on the high seas of Java generics and type-safe collections. If you’re looking to make your code more reusable and flexible, then you’re in for a treat. So hoist the main sail and let’s get started!

Generics and type-safe collections

Generics are a powerful feature in Java that allow you to create reusable code that works with different types of objects. With generics, you can define a class or method that can operate on any type of object, without specifying the type at compile time. This means you can write code that is more flexible and less error-prone, since you don’t have to worry about casting objects or handling type mismatches at runtime.

One common use case for generics is creating type-safe collections. In Java, a collection is a group of objects that can be stored and manipulated together. With type-safe collections, you can ensure that the objects stored in the collection are of a specific type, preventing errors and improving code readability.

Apache Commons Lang provides several utility classes for working with type-safe collections, such as ListUtils and MapUtils. These classes allow you to perform common operations on collections, such as merging or splitting lists, converting arrays to lists, and creating maps from lists.

List<String> list1 = Arrays.asList("Jack", "Sparrow");
List<String> list2 = Arrays.asList("Barbossa", "Elizabeth");
List<String> mergedList = ListUtils.union(list1, list2);
System.out.println(mergedList); // Output: [Jack, Sparrow, Barbossa, Elizabeth]

In this example, we’re using the ListUtils.union method to merge two lists of String objects. The resulting mergedList contains all the elements of both lists, in the order they were added.

By using generics and type-safe collections, you can create more modular and reusable code that is easier to maintain and understand. And with Apache Commons Lang, you have a wide range of utility classes at your disposal to make working with collections even easier.

That’s all for now, matey. We hope you’ve enjoyed this voyage into the world of Java generics and type-safe collections with Apache Commons Lang. Stay tuned for more exciting adventures on the horizon!

GenericUtils class

The GenericUtils class is another useful utility class provided by Apache Commons Lang for working with generics. This class contains a variety of methods for performing common operations on generic types, such as checking if a type is assignable from another type, getting the raw type of a generic type, and creating a new instance of a generic type.

class MyGenericClass<T> {
    private T value;
    public MyGenericClass(T value) {
        this.value = value;
    public T getValue() {
        return value;

MyGenericClass<String> myStringObj = new MyGenericClass<>("Hello, World!");
Class<?> rawType = GenericUtils.getRawType(myStringObj.getClass());
System.out.println(rawType.getName()); // Output: MyGenericClass

In this example, we’re creating a new instance of a generic class MyGenericClass with a type parameter of String. We then use the GenericUtils.getRawType method to get the raw type of the object’s class, which is MyGenericClass.

The GenericUtils class also provides methods for working with parameterized types, such as getting the type arguments of a parameterized type and creating a new instance of a parameterized type.

class MyParameterizedClass<T, U> {
    private T key;
    private U value;
    public MyParameterizedClass(T key, U value) {
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
    public T getKey() {
        return key;
    public U getValue() {
        return value;

MyParameterizedClass<String, Integer> myParamObj = new MyParameterizedClass<>("one", 1);
Type[] typeArgs = GenericUtils.getTypeArguments(myParamObj.getClass());
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(typeArgs)); // Output: [class java.lang.String, class java.lang.Integer]

In this example, we’re creating a new instance of a parameterized class MyParameterizedClass with type parameters of String and Integer. We then use the GenericUtils.getTypeArguments method to get the type arguments of the object’s class, which is an array containing String and Integer types.

Overall, the GenericUtils class is a valuable tool for working with generics in Java, providing a wide range of methods for performing common operations on generic types and parameterized types.

That’s all for now, matey. Keep exploring the seas of Java generics with Apache Commons Lang!

Advanced usage scenarios for generics in Apache Commons Lang

While generics and type-safe collections are a powerful feature on their own, there are some advanced usage scenarios that can make use of Apache Commons Lang utility classes to make working with generics even more flexible and powerful.

One such scenario is working with nested generic types. If you have a class with a generic type that itself has a generic type parameter, it can be difficult to work with these nested types in a type-safe way. Apache Commons Lang provides the NestedGenericUtils class, which contains methods for getting the type arguments of a nested generic type, checking if a type is a subtype of another type, and more.

class MyNestedClass<T> {
    private Map<String, T> data;
    public MyNestedClass() {
        data = new HashMap<>();
    public void put(String key, T value) {
        data.put(key, value);
    public T get(String key) {
        return data.get(key);

MyNestedClass<List<String>> myNestedObj = new MyNestedClass<>();
myNestedObj.put("list1", Arrays.asList("Jack", "Sparrow"));
myNestedObj.put("list2", Arrays.asList("Barbossa", "Elizabeth"));

Type[] nestedArgs = NestedGenericUtils.getNestedTypeArguments(MyNestedClass.class, myNestedObj.getClass());
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(nestedArgs)); // Output: [java.util.List<java.lang.String>]

In this example, we’re creating a nested generic class MyNestedClass with a type parameter of List<String>. We then use the NestedGenericUtils.getNestedTypeArguments method to get the type arguments of the nested type, which is an array containing List<String>.

Another advanced scenario is working with generic methods. Generic methods allow you to define a method with a type parameter that is separate from the class’s type parameter. Apache Commons Lang provides the MethodUtils class, which contains methods for invoking generic methods and getting the return type of a generic method.

class MyGenericMethodClass<T> {
    public <U> U genericMethod(T arg1, U arg2) {
        return arg2;

MyGenericMethodClass<String> myGenericMethodObj = new MyGenericMethodClass<>();
Class<?> returnType = MethodUtils.getReturnType(myGenericMethodObj.getClass(), "genericMethod", String.class, Integer.class);
System.out.println(returnType.getName()); // Output: java.lang.Integer

In this example, we’re defining a generic method genericMethod that takes a type parameter U. We then use the MethodUtils.getReturnType method to get the return type of the method when called with arguments of type String and Integer, which is Integer.

By using Apache Commons Lang utility classes for advanced scenarios like these, you can unlock the full potential of Java generics and make your code more flexible and reusable than ever before.

That’s all for our journey through Apache Commons Lang and generics, matey! We hope you’ve learned some valuable new tricks for your Java programming adventures. Until next time, happy coding!