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JavaFX Deployment and Packaging

Coding Pirate

Ahoy, matey! Welcome aboard the JavaFX ship. Today, we’ll embark on a thrilling adventure to the mysterious lands of Deployment and Packaging. We’ll discover treasures hidden in the depths of JavaFX applications and learn how to share them with the world.

Charting the Course: An Overview

JavaFX applications require proper packaging and deployment to ensure smooth sailing across different platforms and systems. Our mission is to take our treasured JavaFX app, package it into a distributable format, and deploy it so it can be enjoyed by sailors far and wide.

The Treasure Chest: Packaging Your JavaFX App

Packaging your JavaFX application is like storing your precious loot in a treasure chest, ready to be shared with others. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Gather Your Booty: Prerequisites

Before we set sail, make sure you have the following tools in your captain’s cabin:

  • JDK 11 or later
  • JavaFX SDK
  • A build tool like Maven or Gradle

2. Prepare the Ship: Project Structure

Organize your JavaFX project like a well-kept ship to avoid any chaos during the packaging process. Maintain a proper directory structure and separate your source code, resources, and configuration files.

3. Choose Your Vessel: Packaging Formats

There are two main vessels to carry your JavaFX treasure across the digital seas:

  • JAR (Java Archive): A JAR file is a single file that contains all your compiled classes, resources, and metadata. It’s like a compact treasure chest that’s easy to transport and distribute.
  • Native Executable: A native executable is a platform-specific binary that includes your application code, the JavaFX runtime, and a JVM. It’s like a ship with a built-in treasure chest, ready to sail on any ocean.

4. Set Sail with Maven or Gradle

Now that you’ve chosen your vessel, it’s time to hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail using Maven or Gradle as your trusty first mate.


Add the javafx-maven-plugin to your pom.xml file and configure it with the proper settings for your app. For example:


Now, you can package your application using the mvn javafx:jlink command.


Add the org.openjfx.javafxplugin plugin to your build.gradle file and configure it with the appropriate settings:

plugins {
  id 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' version '0.0.10'

javafx {
  modules = ['javafx.controls', 'javafx.fxml']
  mainClass = 'com.example.MyJavaFXApp'

Run the gradle jlink command to package your application.

Deploying Your Treasure

After packaging your JavaFX application, it’s time to share the treasure with the world. You can distribute the JAR file or native executable to your crew or upload it to a remote server, cloud service, or even an app store.

Remember, sharing your JavaFX treasure is just the beginning of a grand adventure. As you continue to explore the high seas of JavaFX, you’ll encounter new challenges, technologies, and opportunities to improve your applications and make them even more valuable to your fellow sailors.

So, hoist the Jolly Roger, and set sail for the open seas of JavaFX Deployment and Packaging. Your crew and future users eagerly await the treasures you’ll bring back from this journey. Happy sailing, and may the wind always be at your back!