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Dependency Injection in CDI

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Ahoy there, mateys! Are you ready to set sail on a journey to explore the world of CDI? CDI, or Contexts and Dependency Injection, is a framework that provides a powerful set of tools for managing your application’s components. In this article, we will be discussing one of the key concepts of CDI: Dependency Injection.

Definition of Dependency Injection

Before we dive into the specifics of how to use Dependency Injection in CDI, let’s first take a moment to define what it is. In the world of software development, a dependency is when one component of your application relies on another component to function properly. For example, let’s say you are building a pirate-themed application and you have a Ship class that relies on a Captain class. The Ship class needs to know who the Captain is in order to function properly.

Traditionally, when you create an instance of the Ship class, you would also create an instance of the Captain class and pass it in as a parameter. However, this can become cumbersome and lead to tightly coupled code. This is where Dependency Injection comes in.

Dependency Injection is a design pattern that allows you to remove the responsibility of creating and managing dependencies from the component that relies on them. Instead, the framework or container takes care of this for you. In the case of CDI, the container manages the lifecycle of your application’s components and automatically injects any necessary dependencies.

By using Dependency Injection, you can achieve looser coupling between your components, which leads to more modular and extensible code. Plus, it just makes your life as a developer a lot easier!

Now that we have a solid understanding of what Dependency Injection is, let’s explore how to use it in CDI. Up next, we’ll cover how to inject dependencies into CDI beans using the @Inject annotation. So hoist the sails and let’s set a course for knowledge!

How to Inject Dependencies in CDI Beans

Now that we understand what Dependency Injection is and why it’s important, let’s take a closer look at how to inject dependencies into CDI beans.

In CDI, a bean is a managed object that has a defined scope and lifecycle within the container. Beans can have dependencies that need to be injected in order for them to function properly. To inject a dependency into a CDI bean, you use the @Inject annotation.

The @Inject annotation tells the CDI container to inject a specific dependency into the bean. For example, let’s say you have a Captain class that is a dependency for your Ship class. You can inject the Captain instance into the Ship instance like this:

public class Ship {
  private Captain captain;

  // Rest of the Ship class...

public class Captain {
  // Captain class...

In this example, we have a Ship class that has a private field captain of type Captain. By using the @Inject annotation on this field, we tell the CDI container to inject the Captain instance into the Ship instance. This means that whenever a new instance of Ship is created, the CDI container will automatically create a new instance of Captain and inject it into the Ship instance.

You can also inject dependencies into constructor parameters or setter methods using the @Inject annotation. For example:

public class Ship {
  private Captain captain;

  public Ship(Captain captain) {
    this.captain = captain;

  public void setCaptain(Captain captain) {
    this.captain = captain;

  // Rest of the Ship class...

In this example, we have a constructor that takes a Captain parameter and a setter method setCaptain that takes a Captain parameter. By using the @Inject annotation on these parameters, we tell the CDI container to inject the Captain instance into the Ship instance.

And that’s all there is to it! By using the @Inject annotation, you can easily inject dependencies into your CDI beans and achieve loose coupling between your components. So weigh anchor and start injecting those dependencies!

Explanation of the @Inject Annotation

Now that we know how to inject dependencies into CDI beans using the @Inject annotation, let’s take a closer look at what the annotation does and how it works.

The @Inject annotation is used to mark a field, constructor parameter, or setter method as a dependency that should be injected by the CDI container. When the CDI container creates an instance of a bean that has dependencies marked with @Inject, it will automatically look up the appropriate beans and inject them into the instance.

By default, the CDI container will look for a bean that has the same type as the dependency and inject it. If there are multiple beans of the same type, you can use CDI qualifiers to specify which bean to inject.

Here’s an example of how to use the @Inject annotation to inject a dependency into a CDI bean:

public class Ship {
  private Captain captain;

  // Rest of the Ship class...

In this example, we have a Ship class that has a private field captain of type Captain. By using the @Inject annotation on this field, we tell the CDI container to inject a Captain instance into the Ship instance.

You can also use the @Inject annotation on constructor parameters or setter methods. Here’s an example of injecting a dependency into a constructor:

public class Ship {
  private Captain captain;

  public Ship(Captain captain) {
    this.captain = captain;

  // Rest of the Ship class...

In this example, we have a constructor that takes a Captain parameter. By using the @Inject annotation on this parameter, we tell the CDI container to inject a Captain instance into the Ship instance.

And that’s all there is to it! By using the @Inject annotation, you can easily inject dependencies into your CDI beans and achieve loose coupling between your components.

So, my fellow pirates, we have learned the importance of Dependency Injection and how to use the @Inject annotation in CDI to inject dependencies into our beans. By employing this powerful design pattern, we can create more modular and extensible applications that are easier to manage and maintain. So, weigh anchor and set sail on your next CDI adventure!