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Using Gradle’s Build Scan Feature: Generating a Build Scan

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Ahoy there, ye scallywags! Today we’re gonna be talkin’ about one of the best features of Gradle: the build scan. Ye see, when ye be buildin’ yer project, sometimes ye may run into some errors and wonder what went wrong. That’s where the build scan comes in handy. In this article, we’ll be discussin’ how to generate a build scan and what it can do for ye.

What is a Build Scan?

Before we dive into how to generate a build scan, let’s talk about what it is. A build scan is a detailed report that shows ye what happened during yer build process. It contains information such as what tasks were executed, what dependencies were resolved, and what plugins were used. Ye can use this information to troubleshoot errors and optimize yer build process. Plus, it looks fancy, like a treasure map!

Generating a Build Scan

Now, let’s get into how to generate a build scan. First, ye need to have a Gradle project set up. Once ye have yer project, run the following command in yer terminal:

./gradlew build --scan

This command will run yer build and generate a build scan. Ye can then view the build scan by goin’ to the URL that’s printed out in yer terminal.

Now, ye may be wonderin’: “But wait, where did this build scan come from? Did a pirate just magically create it out of thin air?” Well, no, me hearty. Ye see, Gradle has a build scan plugin that’s responsible for generating the build scan. The plugin gathers information about yer build process and sends it to Gradle’s servers, where the build scan is generated. So don’t worry, no pirate magic involved.

Benefits of Using a Build Scan

Now that ye know how to generate a build scan, let’s talk about why ye should use one. A build scan can help ye:

  • Troubleshoot errors: If yer build fails, ye can use the build scan to see what went wrong and where.
  • Optimize yer build process: Ye can use the build scan to see what tasks are takin’ up the most time and optimize them to make yer build faster.
  • Share yer build information: Ye can share the build scan with others to get help troubleshootin’ or to show off yer build process. Ye can even set it as yer desktop background to impress yer mates.


Well, me hearties, that’s all ye need to know about generatin’ a build scan in Gradle. It may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in troubleshootin’ and optimizin’ yer build process. So next time yer build fails, don’t be afraid to use the build scan to set sail on the path to success! Arrrr!

Analyzing the Build Scan

Now that ye have generated a build scan, ye may be wonderin’ how to make sense of all the information it contains. Fear not, me mateys, for analyzing a build scan is as easy as findin’ a buried treasure.

When ye open the build scan URL, ye will see a dashboard that gives ye an overview of yer build. It shows ye information such as how long the build took, how many tasks were executed, and how many tests were run. Ye can also see any errors or warnings that occurred during the build.

If ye want to dig deeper into the build scan, ye can click on the “Timeline” tab. This tab shows ye a timeline of all the tasks that were executed during yer build. Ye can see how long each task took to run, which tasks depended on others, and which tasks ran in parallel. This information can help ye identify which tasks are takin’ up the most time and where ye can optimize yer build process.

The “Configuration” tab shows ye all the dependencies and plugins that were used during the build. Ye can see which versions of each dependency were used and where they came from. Ye can also see which plugins were applied and what configuration was applied to each plugin. This information can help ye troubleshoot any issues related to dependencies or plugins.

The “Test Results” tab shows ye the results of any tests that were run during the build. Ye can see which tests passed, which tests failed, and any error messages associated with the failed tests. Ye can also see how long each test took to run. This information can help ye identify any issues with yer code and fix them.