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Building a Deployable Artifact: Packaging the Application

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Ahoy there mateys! Welcome to our latest pirate-themed instructional article on Gradle. Today we’ll be talking about how to package your application into a deployable artifact using Gradle.

Now, before we set sail on our adventure, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. A deployable artifact is a file or collection of files that contain everything needed to deploy your application to a server or other environment. This can include code, dependencies, and configuration files. Packaging your application into a deployable artifact makes it easier to deploy and ensures that everything needed for the application to run is included.

Alright, with that out of the way, let’s hoist the anchor and set sail!

Packaging the Application

Packaging your application is a crucial step in the deployment process. Fortunately, Gradle makes this process easy with its built-in jar task. The jar task packages your application’s code and resources into a single JAR (Java Archive) file.

To use the jar task, you’ll need to add the following to your build.gradle file:

task packageJar(type: Jar) {
    from sourceSets.main.output
    archiveClassifier = 'application'

Let’s break down what’s happening here.

First, we define a new task called packageJar of type Jar. The type property tells Gradle that we want to create a JAR file.

Next, we specify the files to include in the JAR file using the from method. In this case, we’re including the output of the main source set, which contains our application code and resources.

Finally, we set the archiveClassifier property to 'application'. This adds a classifier to the JAR file name to distinguish it from other JAR files that might be created by the build.

Once you’ve added this task to your build.gradle file, you can run it by executing the following command:

gradle packageJar

This will create a JAR file in the build/libs directory of your project. The name of the JAR file will include the version number of your application, as well as the classifier we defined earlier.

And that’s it! With just a few lines of code and a single Gradle task, you’ve packaged your application into a deployable artifact.

But wait, there’s more! In our next article, we’ll cover how to generate distribution archives using Gradle, which can include not only the JAR file but also other files and dependencies needed for deployment. So stay tuned, and happy sailing!

Generating Distribution Archives

While packaging your application into a JAR file is a good start, you’ll often need to include more than just your application code in order to deploy it to a server or other environment. This is where distribution archives come in.

Distribution archives are archives that contain not only your application code, but also any dependencies, configuration files, and other resources needed to deploy your application.

Gradle makes it easy to generate distribution archives with its built-in distribution plugin. To use the plugin, add the following to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id 'distribution'

distributions {
    main {
        baseName = 'my-application'
        contents {
            from ('src/main/resources') {
                into 'config'
            from jar

Here, we’re telling Gradle to apply the distribution plugin and defining a new distribution named main.

We’ve also specified the baseName of our distribution, which will be used as the prefix for the generated archive files.

In the contents block, we specify what files and directories should be included in our distribution. In this example, we’re including the contents of the src/main/resources directory under a new directory called config, and also including the JAR file we created earlier using the jar task.

To generate the distribution archive, simply run the following command:

gradle assembleDist

This will create a distribution archive in the build/distributions directory of your project. The name of the archive will include the baseName we defined earlier, as well as the version number of your application.


And there you have it, mateys! With Gradle, packaging your application into a deployable artifact and generating distribution archives is a breeze. Whether you’re deploying your application to a server, the cloud, or even a deserted island, Gradle has got you covered.

Remember, in addition to the jar and distribution tasks we covered in this article, Gradle offers a wealth of other tasks and plugins that can help streamline your build process. So keep exploring and happy coding!