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Running a Build from the Command Line

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Ahoy, matey! It’s time to set sail on a journey to learn how to run a basic Gradle build from the command line. As pirates, we know the value of a good crew, and Gradle is no exception. With its powerful build automation system, Gradle is the trusty crewmate you need to keep your projects afloat. But before we can set sail, we need to learn the basics of running a Gradle build from the command line.

Running Basic Gradle Commands

Running a basic Gradle build from the command line is as easy as hoisting the Jolly Roger. First, navigate to your project directory in the terminal, where the build.gradle file is located. Once there, you can run the following command:

gradle build

This command will execute the build task defined in your build.gradle file, which compiles and packages your code into an executable form. The output of the build process will be located in the build directory within your project directory.

It’s important to note that the build task is just one of many tasks that can be executed by Gradle. To see a list of all available tasks, you can run the following command:

gradle tasks

This will display a list of all tasks defined in your build.gradle file, along with their dependencies and descriptions.

But what if you only want to run a specific task, such as compiling your code without packaging it into an executable form? Fear not, matey, for Gradle has you covered. To run a specific task, simply include the name of the task after the gradle command, like so:

gradle compileJava

This command will execute the compileJava task, which compiles your Java code without packaging it into an executable form. You can substitute compileJava with the name of any other task defined in your build.gradle file to execute that task instead.

And there you have it, me hearties! Running a basic Gradle build from the command line is as easy as navigating to your project directory and running the gradle build command. But wait, there’s more! Stay tuned for our next installment, where we’ll cover how to pass arguments to the build and make your Gradle builds even more powerful.

Passing Arguments to the Build

Sometimes you need to pass arguments to your Gradle build to customize its behavior. For example, you may want to build your project with a specific version of Java or specify the location of a configuration file. Fear not, matey, for Gradle provides a way to pass arguments to your build.

To pass arguments to your build, you can use the -P or --project-prop option followed by the name and value of the property. For example, if you want to specify the Java version to use for your build, you can run the following command:

gradle build -Pjava.version=11

This will pass the java.version property to your build, which you can then use in your build.gradle file to customize the build process.

You can also pass system properties to your build using the -D or --system-prop option. For example, if you want to specify the location of a configuration file, you can run the following command:

gradle build -Dconfig.file=/path/to/config/file

This will pass the config.file system property to your build, which you can then use in your build.gradle file to load the configuration file.

And there you have it, me hearties! By passing arguments to your Gradle build, you can customize its behavior and make it even more powerful.


Running a Gradle build from the command line is an essential skill for any pirate developer. With its powerful build automation system, Gradle can help you navigate the treacherous waters of software development and keep your projects afloat. By running basic Gradle commands and passing arguments to your build, you can customize the build process and make it even more powerful. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail with Gradle, me hearties!