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Concurrency Utilities for Tasks: Creating and Manipulating Concurrent Tasks with Java Guava

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Ahoy, mateys! Are ye ready to learn about concurrency utilities for tasks with Java Guava? If ye be working on a project with multiple threads, it’s important to ensure that they be working together efficiently and without conflict. That’s where concurrency utilities come in, and with Java Guava, ye can easily create and manipulate concurrent tasks.

Creating Concurrent Tasks with Java Guava

Creating a new task in Java Guava is as easy as creating a new instance of the ListeningExecutorService interface. This interface provides a submit method that accepts a Callable or Runnable object and returns a ListenableFuture object that can be used to retrieve the result of the task.

ListeningExecutorService executor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10));
ListenableFuture<String> future = executor.submit(new Callable<String>() {
    public String call() throws Exception {
        return "Hello, world!";

In the above example, we’re creating a new fixed thread pool with a maximum of 10 threads using the Executors class. We then wrap the thread pool with the listeningDecorator method from the MoreExecutors class to create a ListeningExecutorService. Finally, we submit a new Callable object that returns a String and use the returned ListenableFuture object to retrieve the result of the task.

Manipulating Concurrent Tasks with Java Guava

Once ye have created a concurrent task, there may be times when ye need to manipulate it or retrieve its result. Java Guava provides a number of utilities for doing just that.

Cancelling Tasks

To cancel a running task, ye can use the cancel method on the ListenableFuture object. This method accepts a boolean parameter that determines whether to interrupt the task or not.


In the above example, we’re cancelling the future task and interrupting it if it’s currently running.

Adding Listeners

Ye can also add listeners to a ListenableFuture object to be notified when the task is complete or has been cancelled. Java Guava provides the Futures class with several useful methods for doing this.

Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String result) {
        System.out.println("Task completed: " + result);

    public void onFailure(Throwable thrown) {
        System.out.println("Task failed: " + thrown.getMessage());

In the above example, we’re using the addCallback method from the Futures class to add a new FutureCallback object to the future task. This object has two methods: onSuccess and onFailure, which will be called when the task completes successfully or with an error, respectively.

Retrieving Results

Finally, to retrieve the result of a completed task, ye can use the get method on the ListenableFuture object. This method will block until the task is complete and the result is available.

String result = future.get();

In the above example, we’re retrieving the result of the future task and storing it in the result variable. If the task is not yet complete, this method will block until it is.


Concurrency can be a tricky business, but with Java Guava’s concurrency utilities for tasks, ye can make it a little bit easier. Whether ye need to create a new task, manipulate an existing task, or retrieve the result of a completed task, Java Guava provides a wide range of utilities to help ye get the job done.

And remember, always test ye code thoroughly and make sure ye understand the behavior of the utilities ye are using. With a little bit of care and attention, ye can ensure that ye concurrent tasks run smoothly and efficiently.

Java Guava provides several concurrency utilities for tasks that differ from the standard Java concurrent utilities. Here are some of the key differences:

ListeningExecutorService vs ExecutorService

While Java’s ExecutorService interface provides a way to execute tasks asynchronously, it does not provide a way to retrieve their results. In contrast, Guava’s ListeningExecutorService interface extends the ExecutorService interface and adds support for returning a ListenableFuture object that can be used to retrieve the result of the task.

ListenableFuture vs Future

Java’s Future interface represents the result of an asynchronous computation and provides methods to check if the computation is complete and retrieve its result. However, it does not provide a way to add listeners to be notified when the computation is complete or has been cancelled. Guava’s ListenableFuture interface extends the Future interface and adds support for adding listeners to be notified when the computation is complete or has been cancelled.

FutureCallback vs CompletionService

Java’s CompletionService interface provides a way to retrieve the results of completed tasks in the order in which they finish. In contrast, Guava’s FutureCallback interface provides a way to specify separate callbacks for when a task completes successfully and when it fails.

Overall, Java Guava provides a more flexible and powerful set of concurrency utilities for tasks than the standard Java libraries. By using these utilities, ye can more easily create and manipulate concurrent tasks in ye project.

So set sail with Java Guava, me hearties, and enjoy the smooth waters of concurrency! May ye never encounter the rough seas of deadlock or race conditions.