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Binding with Annotations: Using Annotations to Specify Implementation

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Ahoy matey! Welcome to our latest adventure in the world of dependency injection with Google Guice. In this installment, we’ll be diving into the use of annotations to specify the implementation for a particular binding.

As you may recall, Google Guice is a lightweight framework that simplifies the process of managing dependencies in your application. One of the key benefits of using Guice is its ability to bind an interface to its implementation. This allows you to write code that depends on an interface, without having to worry about the details of how that interface is implemented.

But what if you have multiple implementations of the same interface? How do you tell Guice which implementation to use? That’s where annotations come in.

Annotations are a way to add metadata to your code. In the context of Guice, annotations can be used to specify which implementation to use for a particular binding. Let’s take a closer look.

Using Annotations to Specify Implementation

Suppose we have an interface called Weapon that has two implementations: Sword and Pistol. We want to use Sword as the implementation for our Hero class, but use Pistol for our Villain class.

To accomplish this, we can use annotations to specify the implementation for each binding. Here’s an example:

public class HeroModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {

public class VillainModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {

In this example, we’ve created two separate Guice modules: HeroModule and VillainModule. Each module has a different implementation of the Weapon interface, and each implementation is annotated with a different annotation: HeroWeapon and VillainWeapon, respectively.

When we want to inject a Weapon into our Hero class, we can use the HeroWeapon annotation to specify that we want the Sword implementation:

public class Hero {
  private final Weapon weapon;

  public Hero(@HeroWeapon Weapon weapon) {
    this.weapon = weapon;

  public void attack() {

Similarly, when we want to inject a Weapon into our Villain class, we can use the VillainWeapon annotation to specify that we want the Pistol implementation:

public class Villain {
  private final Weapon weapon;

  public Villain(@VillainWeapon Weapon weapon) {
    this.weapon = weapon;

  public void attack() {;

By using annotations to specify the implementation for each binding, we can easily switch between implementations without having to change any code in our classes.

Wrapping Up

Well shiver me timbers, we’ve covered a lot of ground in this article! We’ve learned about using annotations to specify the implementation for a particular binding, which is a powerful tool for managing dependencies in your application.

But wait, there’s more! In our next adventure, we’ll explore how to use annotations with the bind() method to specify the interface, implementation, and annotation all in one go. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for the next article!

Ahoy matey, welcome back! In our previous section, we learned how to use annotations to specify the implementation for a particular binding in Google Guice. Now, let’s take a look at how we can use the bind() method to specify the interface, implementation, and annotation all in one go.

Using the bind() Method to Specify Interface, Implementation, and Annotation

Suppose we have an interface called Treasure that has two implementations: GoldTreasure and SilverTreasure. We want to use GoldTreasure as the implementation for our Captain class, but use SilverTreasure for our FirstMate class. We can accomplish this by using the bind() method with annotations, like so:

public class CaptainModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {

public class FirstMateModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {

In this example, we’ve created two separate Guice modules: CaptainModule and FirstMateModule. Each module has a different implementation of the Treasure interface, and each implementation is annotated with a different annotation: Gold and Silver, respectively.

When we want to inject a Treasure into our Captain class, we can use the Gold annotation to specify that we want the GoldTreasure implementation:

public class Captain {
  private final Treasure treasure;

  public Captain(@Gold Treasure treasure) {
    this.treasure = treasure;

  public void takeTreasure() {

Similarly, when we want to inject a Treasure into our FirstMate class, we can use the Silver annotation to specify that we want the SilverTreasure implementation:

public class FirstMate {
  private final Treasure treasure;

  public FirstMate(@Silver Treasure treasure) {
    this.treasure = treasure;

  public void takeTreasure() {

By using the bind() method with annotations, we can specify the interface, implementation, and annotation all in one go, making our code more concise and easier to read.


Well, me hearties, we’ve reached the end of our journey. In this article, we’ve explored how to use annotations to specify the implementation for a particular binding in Google Guice, as well as how to use the bind() method with annotations to specify the interface, implementation, and annotation all in one go.

We hope this article has been both informative and enjoyable. As always, happy coding, and may you find your own treasure trove of knowledge!