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Comparator Operations

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Ahoy there, matey! Are you ready to learn about comparators and lambdas in Java? Then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be exploring how to sort collections using comparators and lambdas.

Sorting Collections Using Comparators and Lambdas

Arr, me hearties, let’s talk about sorting collections. Imagine you’re the captain of a pirate ship and you want to sort your crew by their rank. One way to do this is to use a comparator. A comparator is an interface that allows you to define custom ordering for objects.

In Java, you can create a comparator using an anonymous inner class or a lambda expression. Let’s take a look at how to create a comparator using a lambda expression.

List<Pirate> crew = new ArrayList<>();
// add some pirates to the crew

Collections.sort(crew, (pirate1, pirate2) -> pirate1.getRank().compareTo(pirate2.getRank()));

In this example, we have a list of pirates called crew. We want to sort this list by the pirates’ ranks. We use the Collections.sort() method to sort the list and pass in a lambda expression that defines the sorting order.

The lambda expression (pirate1, pirate2) -> pirate1.getRank().compareTo(pirate2.getRank()) takes in two pirate objects and compares their ranks using the compareTo() method. This lambda expression is equivalent to the following anonymous inner class:

new Comparator<Pirate>() {
    public int compare(Pirate pirate1, Pirate pirate2) {
        return pirate1.getRank().compareTo(pirate2.getRank());

The lambda expression is shorter and more concise than the anonymous inner class, which makes it easier to read and write.

But wait, there’s more! You can also use method references in lambdas to further simplify your code. Let’s say our Pirate class has a static method compareByRank that returns a comparator based on rank:

public static Comparator<Pirate> compareByRank() {
    return Comparator.comparing(Pirate::getRank);

We can use this method reference in our sorting code like this:

Collections.sort(crew, Pirate.compareByRank());

This makes our code even more concise and readable.


Well shiver me timbers, we’ve learned how to sort collections using comparators and lambdas in Java. By using lambdas, we can write more concise and readable code that is easier to maintain. Stay tuned for our next article where we’ll be exploring chaining and reversing comparators with lambdas. Until then, may the wind be at your back and the rum in your belly!

Chaining Comparators with Lambdas

Ahoy there, matey! In our last article, we learned how to sort collections using comparators and lambdas. Now, let’s explore how to chain comparators together using lambdas.

Imagine you’re still the captain of your pirate ship and you want to sort your crew by their rank and then by their name if they have the same rank. One way to do this is to use multiple comparators and chain them together.

In Java, you can chain comparators using the thenComparing() method. Let’s take a look at how to chain comparators using lambdas.

List<Pirate> crew = new ArrayList<>();
// add some pirates to the crew

Collections.sort(crew, Comparator.comparing(Pirate::getRank).thenComparing(Pirate::getName));

In this example, we use the Comparator.comparing() method to create a comparator based on the pirates’ ranks. We then use the thenComparing() method to create a secondary comparator based on the pirates’ names.

The thenComparing() method takes in a lambda expression that defines the secondary sorting order. In this case, the lambda expression Pirate::getName is a method reference that returns the pirate’s name.

You can chain as many comparators as you want using the thenComparing() method. Let’s say you also want to sort by the pirates’ age if they have the same rank and name:

Collections.sort(crew, Comparator.comparing(Pirate::getRank)

In this example, we use the thenComparingInt() method to create a tertiary comparator based on the pirates’ ages.

By chaining comparators together, we can create complex sorting orders that match our specific needs. And by using lambdas, we can write this code in a concise and readable way.


Well, shiver me timbers, we’ve learned how to chain comparators with lambdas in Java. By using the thenComparing() method, we can create complex sorting orders that match our specific needs. Stay tuned for our next article where we’ll be exploring how to reverse comparators with lambdas. Until then, may the seas be calm and the treasure be plenty!

Reversing Comparators with Lambdas

Ahoy there, matey! In our last two articles, we learned how to sort collections using comparators and lambdas, and how to chain comparators together. Now, let’s explore how to reverse a comparator using lambdas.

Imagine you’re still the captain of your pirate ship and you want to sort your crew by their rank in descending order. One way to do this is to use the reversed() method to reverse the ordering of a comparator.

In Java, you can reverse a comparator using the reversed() method. Let’s take a look at how to reverse a comparator using a lambda expression.

List<Pirate> crew = new ArrayList<>();
// add some pirates to the crew

Collections.sort(crew, Comparator.comparing(Pirate::getRank).reversed());

In this example, we use the Comparator.comparing() method to create a comparator based on the pirates’ ranks. We then use the reversed() method to reverse the ordering of the comparator.

You can also chain the reversed() method with other methods like thenComparing() to create complex sorting orders. Let’s say you want to sort your crew by their rank in descending order and then by their name in ascending order:

Collections.sort(crew, Comparator.comparing(Pirate::getRank).reversed().thenComparing(Pirate::getName));

In this example, we use the thenComparing() method to create a secondary comparator based on the pirates’ names. We also chain the reversed() method with the comparing() method to reverse the ordering of the primary comparator.

By reversing comparators with lambdas, we can create custom sorting orders that match our specific needs. And by using lambdas, we can write this code in a concise and readable way.


Well, shiver me timbers, we’ve learned how to reverse comparators with lambdas in Java. By using the reversed() method, we can create custom sorting orders that match our specific needs. We hope you’ve enjoyed this adventure through the world of comparators and lambdas. Until next time, keep hoisting the Jolly Roger and sailing the high seas!