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HTTP methods and their JAX-RS equivalents

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Ahoy there, matey! Welcome aboard on this journey to learn about HTTP methods and their JAX-RS equivalents. If ye be a web developer or aspiring to become one, it’s essential to understand these concepts. Fear not, for I’ll guide ye through the process with the help of our trusty navigator, JAX-RS.

JAX-RS is a Java-based framework used for building RESTful web services. It provides a convenient and straightforward way to map HTTP requests to Java methods. With JAX-RS, ye can develop web services with ease, regardless of the platform ye use.

So hoist the mainsail, and let’s set sail for the high seas of web development with JAX-RS!


Ahoy! Ye be familiar with the HTTP method GET, right? It’s one of the most common HTTP methods used in web development. It’s used to retrieve information from the server, typically represented in HTML, JSON, or XML format.

In JAX-RS, @GET annotation is used to map HTTP GET requests to a specific Java method. The method annotated with @GET should return the representation of the resource. For instance, if ye want to retrieve a list of pirates from the server, ye can use the @GET annotation as follows:

public class PirateResource {
    public List<Pirate> getPirates() {
        // Code to retrieve list of pirates from database or other data source
        List<Pirate> pirates = new ArrayList<>();
        pirates.add(new Pirate("Blackbeard", "Edward Teach"));
        pirates.add(new Pirate("Calico Jack", "John Rackham"));
        return pirates;

In this example, the @Path annotation is used to specify the endpoint for the resource. The @Produces annotation specifies the media type of the response, which is in JSON format.

As ye can see, the getPirates() method returns a list of pirate objects. When a client sends an HTTP GET request to /pirates, JAX-RS maps the request to the getPirates() method, which then returns the list of pirates in JSON format.

Arrr, ye can also add parameters to the @GET annotation to specify additional information about the request. For instance, ye can use the @QueryParam annotation to specify query parameters as follows:

public class PirateResource {
    public List<Pirate> getPirates(@QueryParam("name") String name) {
        // Code to retrieve list of pirates from database or other data source
        List<Pirate> pirates = new ArrayList<>();
        if (name == null) {
            // Return all pirates
            pirates.add(new Pirate("Blackbeard", "Edward Teach"));
            pirates.add(new Pirate("Calico Jack", "John Rackham"));
        } else if (name.equals("Blackbeard")) {
            // Return only Blackbeard
            pirates.add(new Pirate("Blackbeard", "Edward Teach"));
        return pirates;

In this example, ye can use the query parameter name to filter the list of pirates returned by the server. If name is not specified, the server returns a list of all pirates. If name is set to “Blackbeard,” the server only returns the pirate Blackbeard.

And there ye have it, matey! Ye now know how to use the @GET annotation in JAX-RS. But wait, there’s more! Ye can also use the @PathParam annotation to extract path parameters from the request URI. For instance, if ye want to retrieve a specific pirate by their ID, ye can use the @PathParam annotation as follows:

public class PirateResource {
    public Pirate getPirateById(@PathParam("id") int id) {
        // Code to retrieve pirate by ID from database or other data source
        return new Pirate("Blackbeard", "Edward Teach");

In this example, the @Path annotation is used to specify the endpoint for the resource, including a path parameter id. The @PathParam annotation is used to extract the value of the id parameter from the request URI. The getPirateById() method then returns the pirate with the specified ID, which in this case is Blackbeard.

With JAX-RS, ye can easily map HTTP GET requests to Java methods using the @GET annotation. Ye can also use the @QueryParam and @PathParam annotations to extract query and path parameters from the request URI, respectively.

Arrr, in the next article, we’ll cover the other HTTP methods and their JAX-RS equivalents, including @POST, @PUT, and @DELETE. Until then, fair winds and following seas, matey!


Now, let’s hoist the Jolly Roger and learn about the @POST annotation in JAX-RS. The POST method is used to submit data to be processed by the server, typically used to create new resources on the server.

In JAX-RS, the @POST annotation is used to map HTTP POST requests to a specific Java method. The method annotated with @POST should handle the data submitted by the client and return a response. Here’s an example:

public class PirateResource {
    public Response createPirate(Pirate pirate) {
        // Code to create new pirate and add to database or other data source
        String message = "Pirate " + pirate.getName() + " created";
        return Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).entity(message).build();

In this example, the createPirate() method takes a Pirate object as input and adds it to the database or other data source. The @Consumes annotation is used to specify the media type of the request, which is in JSON format. The @Produces annotation is used to specify the media type of the response, which is also in JSON format.

The method returns a Response object with a status code of 201 Created and a message indicating that the pirate was created.

Arrr, ye can also use the @FormParam annotation to handle form data submitted by the client. Here’s an example:

public class LoginResource {
    public void login(@FormParam("username") String username, @FormParam("password") String password) {
        // Code to authenticate user

In this example, the login() method takes two String parameters, username and password, which are submitted as form data by the client. The @Consumes annotation is used to specify the media type of the request, which is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

The method authenticates the user based on the submitted username and password.

And there ye have it, matey! Ye now know how to use the @POST annotation in JAX-RS. Onward to the next annotation!


Ahoy, ye scallywags! It’s time to learn about the @PUT annotation in JAX-RS. The PUT method is used to update existing resources on the server. It’s similar to the POST method, but instead of creating a new resource, it updates an existing one.

In JAX-RS, the @PUT annotation is used to map HTTP PUT requests to a specific Java method. The method annotated with @PUT should handle the data submitted by the client and return a response. Here’s an example:

public class PirateResource {
    public Response updatePirate(@PathParam("id") int id, Pirate pirate) {
        // Code to update pirate with specified id in database or other data source
        String message = "Pirate with id " + id + " updated";
        return Response.ok().entity(message).build();

In this example, the updatePirate() method takes two parameters: an int representing the id of the pirate to be updated and a Pirate object representing the new values to be updated. The @PathParam annotation is used to retrieve the id from the URL path.

The @Consumes and @Produces annotations are used to specify the media types of the request and response, respectively, which are both in JSON format.

The method updates the pirate with the specified id in the database or other data source and returns a Response object with a status code of 200 OK and a message indicating that the pirate was updated.

Arrr, ye can also use the @FormParam annotation to handle form data submitted by the client, similar to the @POST annotation. Here’s an example:

public class ProfileResource {
    public void updateProfile(@FormParam("name") String name, @FormParam("email") String email) {
        // Code to update user profile

In this example, the updateProfile() method takes two String parameters, name and email, which are submitted as form data by the client. The @Consumes annotation is used to specify the media type of the request, which is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

The method updates the user’s profile based on the submitted name and email.

And there ye have it, matey! Ye now know how to use the @PUT annotation in JAX-RS. Onward to the last annotation!


Avast, ye scurvy dogs! It’s time to learn about the @DELETE annotation in JAX-RS. The DELETE method is used to delete existing resources on the server.

In JAX-RS, the @DELETE annotation is used to map HTTP DELETE requests to a specific Java method. The method annotated with @DELETE should handle the data submitted by the client and return a response. Here’s an example:

public class PirateResource {
    public Response deletePirate(@PathParam("id") int id) {
        // Code to delete pirate with specified id from database or other data source
        String message = "Pirate with id " + id + " deleted";
        return Response.ok().entity(message).build();

In this example, the deletePirate() method takes one parameter, an int representing the id of the pirate to be deleted. The @PathParam annotation is used to retrieve the id from the URL path.

The @Produces annotation is used to specify the media type of the response, which is in JSON format.

The method deletes the pirate with the specified id from the database or other data source and returns a Response object with a status code of 200 OK and a message indicating that the pirate was deleted.

Arrr, and that be the final annotation, me hearties! Ye now know how to use the @GET, @POST, @PUT, and @DELETE annotations in JAX-RS. But wait, there’s more! JAX-RS also provides many other annotations and features that ye can use to build powerful web services.

Ye can explore more about JAX-RS by using metaphors to create sea-themed web services, such as a treasure chest that stores data, or a ship that navigates through different endpoints.

Remember, matey, JAX-RS is a powerful tool, but like any tool, it requires proper usage and implementation to be effective. So hoist the Jolly Roger, and set sail on the seas of web development with JAX-RS!

Arrr, that be all for now. Keep sailin’, and may the winds be in yer favor!