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Using Spring MVC

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Ahoy there, matey! Are ye lookin’ to build some swashbucklin’ web applications? Well, look no further than Spring MVC! This handy framework uses the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture to create web apps that are easy to develop and maintain.

What is Spring MVC?

Spring MVC is a framework built on top of the popular Spring Framework. It’s designed to make building web applications a breeze by providing a clear separation of concerns between the data, presentation, and control layers of the app.

Using the MVC architecture, Spring MVC breaks down an app into three distinct components:

  • Model: This is where the data resides. It could be stored in a database, a file, or even a remote server.
  • View: This is where the data is presented to the user. It could be an HTML page, an image, or any other type of content.
  • Controller: This is where the business logic resides. It’s responsible for receiving user input, manipulating the data, and updating the view.

By keeping these components separate, Spring MVC makes it easy to modify and maintain each part of the app independently.

How to Use Spring MVC

To get started with Spring MVC, you’ll need to define your controllers and map requests to methods using annotations. These annotations tell Spring MVC which methods should handle specific requests.

For example, let’s say you want to create a controller to handle requests to a page that displays a list of pirates. You could define a method like this:

public class PirateController {
    public String getPirates(Model model) {
        List<Pirate> pirates = getPiratesFromDatabase();
        model.addAttribute("pirates", pirates);
        return "pirates";
    private List<Pirate> getPiratesFromDatabase() {
        // logic to retrieve pirates from a database

In this example, the @Controller annotation tells Spring MVC that this class is a controller. The @RequestMapping("/pirates") annotation tells Spring MVC that this method should handle requests to the /pirates URL.

Inside the getPirates method, we retrieve a list of pirates from a database and add them to a Model object. The Model object is used to pass data to the view.

Finally, we return the name of the view we want to use to display the data. In this case, we return "pirates", which corresponds to a file named pirates.jsp in the views directory.


And that’s all there is to it, matey! With Spring MVC, building web applications is a breeze. By using the MVC architecture, you can keep your code organized and easy to maintain. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail on your next web app adventure with Spring MVC!

Defining controllers and mapping requests to methods using annotations

As mentioned earlier, defining controllers and mapping requests to methods is a key part of using Spring MVC. Let’s take a closer look at how it works.

Defining Controllers

To define a controller, you simply create a new Java class and annotate it with @Controller. This tells Spring MVC that this class is a controller.

public class MyController {
    // Controller logic goes here

Mapping Requests to Methods

Once you’ve defined your controller, you need to map incoming requests to specific methods within that controller. You do this using the @RequestMapping annotation.

public class MyController {
    public String mySection(Model model) {
        // Controller logic goes here
        return "my-section";

In this example, we’ve annotated our controller with @RequestMapping("/my-page"). This tells Spring MVC that all requests to the URL /my-page should be handled by this controller.

We’ve also defined a method called mySection and annotated it with @RequestMapping("/my-section"). This tells Spring MVC that requests to the URL /my-page/my-section should be handled by this method.

Inside the mySection method, we can manipulate the data as needed and then return the name of the view we want to use to display the data. In this case, we return "my-section", which corresponds to a file named my-section.jsp in the views directory.