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Learn Git: A Comprehensive Courseware

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Welcome to this comprehensive courseware on Git, a powerful and popular version control system used by developers worldwide. This courseware is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Git, from the basics to advanced topics.

In this courseware, you will learn what Git is and why it is essential for version control. You will explore the terminology used in Git, such as commits, branches, and repositories. You will also learn how to install Git on various operating systems.

Next, you will learn the basic Git commands, including initializing a repository, adding files, committing changes, and viewing repository status and history. You will also learn how to branch, merge, rebase, and delete branches in Git.

In the Git Workflow section, you will learn how to stash changes, cherry-pick commits, reset branches, tag commits, push and pull changes from remote repositories, and clone repositories.

Finally, you will learn about advanced Git commands, including searching for commits, diffing two commits or files, blaming a commit, and bisecting a commit.

At the end of this courseware, you will have a solid understanding of Git and be able to use it effectively for version control in your projects.

We also provide suggestions for further learning and resources to continue learning Git. We welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Let’s get started and learn Git together!

Table of contents