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Listing all branches

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Ahoy there, matey! Are ye lookin’ to see all the branches in yer Git repository? Well, ye’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be explorin’ the ins and outs of listing all branches in yer Git repository.

Why List All Branches?

Before we dive into the details, let’s first consider why ye might want to list all the branches in yer repository. One reason might be to see which branches are available for yer use. This can be especially helpful if ye’re workin’ with multiple branches or collaborating with others on a project.

Another reason to list all branches is to check for any branches that might need to be deleted. It’s important to keep yer repository clean and tidy, and removin’ any unnecessary branches can help with that.

So, let’s hoist the anchor and set sail on our Git adventure to discover how to list all branches in yer repository.

Git Command to List All Branches

The Git command to list all branches in yer repository is as follows:

git branch

Ye can run this command in yer command line interface (CLI) or terminal. When ye run this command, it will display a list of all the branches in yer repository.

Additional Options

There are also some additional options ye can use with the git branch command to further refine yer search:

  • -a: lists all branches, including remote-tracking branches
  • -r: lists only remote-tracking branches
  • -v: shows the last commit on each branch
  • --merged: lists only the branches that have been merged with the current branch
  • --no-merged: lists only the branches that have not been merged with the current branch

For example, if ye want to see a list of all remote-tracking branches, ye can use the following command:

git branch -r


And there ye have it, me hearty! Now ye know how to list all branches in yer Git repository. Remember, keep yer repository shipshape by regularly checkin’ for any unnecessary branches that can be deleted.

If ye have any further questions or need more help with Git, feel free to reach out to our crew of Git experts. And as always, happy sailin’!