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Sending a PUT Request

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Ahoy there, matey! Today we’re going to learn about sending a PUT request with RestEasyClient. If you’re new to RestEasyClient, fear not, for I’ll give ye a quick rundown before we jump into the topic at hand.

What is RestEasyClient?

RestEasyClient is a Java library that allows ye to easily make HTTP requests to a server. It was developed by JBoss and is now part of the wider Red Hat suite of tools. It’s similar to other popular HTTP client libraries like Apache HttpClient and OkHttp, but RestEasyClient has some unique features that set it apart.

Why use RestEasyClient?

There are several advantages to using RestEasyClient. For one, it has built-in support for automatic marshalling and unmarshalling of data, which can save ye a lot of time and effort. It also has built-in exception handling and integrates with other popular Java libraries like Jackson and JAXB.

RestEasyClient is also highly customizable, allowing ye to configure headers, parameters, timeouts, and more. And perhaps best of all, it’s incredibly easy to use, even for landlubbers who are new to HTTP requests.

Setting Request Path

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of sending a PUT request with RestEasyClient. The first thing ye need to do is set the request path. This is the URL of the server ye want to send the request to, including any query parameters if necessary.

ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build();
ResteasyWebTarget target ="");

In this example, we create a new ResteasyClient object using the ResteasyClientBuilder. We then use the client to create a ResteasyWebTarget object, which represents the endpoint we want to send our request to.

In the target() method, we pass in the URL of the resource we want to access. This can be a simple string, or it can include query parameters if necessary. For example, if we wanted to access a specific resource with an ID of 123, we could use the following URL:

ResteasyWebTarget target ="");

Once we have our ResteasyWebTarget object, we can move on to setting any headers, parameters, or other options we want to configure for our request.

That’s it for setting the request path. Stay tuned for the next section, where we’ll cover adding a request body to our PUT request. Until then, happy sailing!

Adding Request Body

Welcome back, ye hearty sailors! In the previous section, we covered how to set the request path for our PUT request using RestEasyClient. Now it’s time to add a request body.

In HTTP terms, the request body is the data ye want to send to the server along with the request. This could be anything from a simple string to a complex object. To add a request body in RestEasyClient, we need to use a Entity object.

ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build();
ResteasyWebTarget target ="");

MyObject object = new MyObject(); // assume this object exists
Entity<MyObject> entity = Entity.entity(object, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);

Response response = target.request().put(entity);

In this example, we create a new MyObject object and then use it to create an Entity object using the Entity.entity() method. The first argument is the object we want to send as the request body, and the second argument is the media type we want to use. In this case, we’re using MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON to indicate that we’re sending JSON data.

Once we have our Entity object, we can use it to make our PUT request. We call the put() method on our ResteasyWebTarget object and pass in the Entity object as the argument. This sends our request to the server along with the request body.

Retrieving Response

Now that we’ve sent our PUT request with a request body, we need to retrieve the response from the server. RestEasyClient makes this easy by providing a Response object that contains all the information we need.

ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build();
ResteasyWebTarget target ="");

MyObject object = new MyObject();
Entity<MyObject> entity = Entity.entity(object, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);

Response response = target.request().put(entity);

if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL) {
    MyResponseObject responseObject = response.readEntity(MyResponseObject.class);
    // Do something with the response object
} else {
    // Handle the error response

In this example, we first send our PUT request with a request body using the put() method on our ResteasyWebTarget object. This returns a Response object that contains information about the response from the server.

We check the status of the response using the getStatusInfo() method, which returns a StatusType object. We then check if the response was successful by checking if the response status is in the SUCCESSFUL family.

If the response was successful, we can read the response body using the readEntity() method on the Response object. This returns the response body as an object of the specified type (MyResponseObject in this example), which we can then use as needed.

If the response was not successful, we can handle the error response appropriately.

And there ye have it, me hearties! Ye now know how to send a PUT request with a request body using RestEasyClient. But don’t weigh anchor just yet, for we have more advanced topics to cover in future articles. Until then, happy coding!

Retrieving Response

Ahoy there, mateys! Welcome back to our journey with RestEasyClient. In the previous section, we covered how to add a request body to our PUT request. Now it’s time to retrieve the response from the server.

RestEasyClient makes retrieving the response easy by providing a Response object that contains all the information we need.

ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build();
ResteasyWebTarget target ="");

MyObject object = new MyObject();
Entity<MyObject> entity = Entity.entity(object, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);

Response response = target.request().put(entity);

if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL) {
    MyResponseObject responseObject = response.readEntity(MyResponseObject.class);
    // Do something with the response object
} else {
    // Handle the error response

In this example, we first send our PUT request with a request body using the put() method on our ResteasyWebTarget object. This returns a Response object that contains information about the response from the server.

We check the status of the response using the getStatusInfo() method, which returns a StatusType object. We then check if the response was successful by checking if the response status is in the SUCCESSFUL family.

If the response was successful, we can read the response body using the readEntity() method on the Response object. This returns the response body as an object of the specified type (MyResponseObject in this example), which we can then use as needed.

If the response was not successful, we can handle the error response appropriately.

And there ye have it, me hearties! Ye now know how to send a PUT request with a request body and retrieve the response using RestEasyClient. But don’t weigh anchor just yet, for we have more advanced topics to cover in future articles.


In this article, we learned about sending a PUT request with RestEasyClient. We covered how to set the request path, add a request body, and retrieve the response from the server. We also touched on some of the benefits of using RestEasyClient and the different features it provides.

RestEasyClient is a powerful tool for making HTTP requests in Java, and we’ve only scratched the surface of what it can do. We hope ye enjoyed this journey with us and learned something new along the way.

If ye have any questions or suggestions for future articles, please let us know in the comments below. And until next time, may the winds be at your back and the seas be calm. Happy coding, ye scallywags!