This article provides an introduction to Guava collections, including an overview of their features, usage examples, and comparison to standard Java collections.
The article covers the benefits of using immutable collections in Java, including simplicity and predictability, thread safety, consistency and performance, and easier debugging, as well as how to create and use immutable collections using the Immutable classes provided by the Guava library.
This article covers the usage and manipulation of ranges in Java Guava, including creating ranges using different methods, checking if a value is within a range, and manipulating ranges using methods like span and intersection.
This article covers the definition, usage, creation, and manipulation of Guava multimaps, along with code examples and storytelling elements to make the technical concepts more approachable and enjoyable for readers.
This article covers the definition and usage of multisets in Java Guava, including creating and manipulating them, and how they can simplify code for working with collections that contain duplicate elements.